ഫലകം:Infobox law enforcement agency

![]() | This ഫലകം employs intricate features of template syntax.
You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with its setup and parser functions before editing the template. If your edit causes unexpected problems, please undo it quickly, as this template may appear on a large number of pages. You can conduct experiments, and should test all major changes, in either this template's sandbox, the general template sandbox, or your user space before changing anything here. |
[തിരുത്തുക]Infobox law enforcement agency is an infobox template for use in articles on individual law enforcement agencies.
The template provides an overview of key:
- structural
- jurisdictional
- operational characteristics
of a law enforcement agency.
Automatic categorisation
[തിരുത്തുക]This template automatically categorises the article it is placed into. An including article will be categorised into one or more categories according to the law enforcement agency article categorisation standards of the Law Enforcement WikiProject. These categories will be set if the law enforcement agency's relevant parameter values are used in the template. Automatic categorisation is currently undergoing enhancement, as of 7 November 2008, and not all of this categorisation is currently being done automatically.
The template allows for country names which are usually pre-empted with a 'the' for example specifying United Kingdom will result in the template using the United Kingdom. Do not specify the/The United Kingdom as a parameter value.
The template allows for some common category naming which does not comply to the above standard, for example, using in instead of of, and putting the State name first as in 'state' law enforcement agencies.
[തിരുത്തുക]If a new combination of parameters is used, then the expected category for automatic categorisation might not exist. If so, manually create the necessary category. This is a once off process. See also Deficiencies - Automatic categorisation below.
There might be problems when (very) non standard naming conventions have been used for existing categories. These non standard named categories will slowly disappear over time and become deprecated, being replaced by standard named ones.
[തിരുത്തുക]Automatic categorisation
[തിരുത്തുക]If no existing category can be identified for the relevant required categorisation, then the least standard / least preferred category name structure might be "red linked". The standard for category naming should be used, NOT necessarily the "red linked" form.
Parameter checking
[തിരുത്തുക]This template does NOT cross check parameters for nonsensical combinations of parameters or missing mandatory parameters.
[തിരുത്തുക]This template was initially inspired by {{Infobox government agency}}, February 2008.
[തിരുത്തുക]The following skeleton can be copied and edited into an article. For a description of each parameter, see Template parameters, below.
The skeleton contains some abbreviations for the sake of brevity and these are not actual wiki text. Accordingly they need to be edited or removed as follows:
- Remove the ' . . up to N' comments altogether.
- Replace the template list sub skeletons, for example as shown for the international parameter, with a list of names, or with the number of things.
See the examples below for how the skeleton will look after being copied and edited.
[തിരുത്തുക]{{Infobox law enforcement agency |agencyname = |nativename = |nativenamea = |nativenamer = |commonname = |abbreviation = |fictional = |patch = |patchcaption = |logo = |logocaption = |badge = |badgecaption = |flag = |flagcaption = |imagesize = |motto = |mottotranslated = |formedyear = |formedmonthday = |preceding1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |dissolved = |superseding = |employees = |volunteers = |budget = |legalpersonality = |country = |countryabbr = |national = |federal = |international = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[country1]] . . |[[countryNNN]]}}--> |divtype = |divname = |divdab = |subdivtype = |subdivname = |subdivdab = |map = |mapcaption = |dmap = |sizearea = |sizepopulation = |legaljuris = |governingbody = |governingbodyscnd = |constitution1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |police = |local = |military = |paramilitary = |provost = |gendarmerie = |religious = |speciality1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |secret = |overviewtype = |overviewbody = |headquarters = |hqlocmap = |hqlocmapborder = |hqlocmapheight = |hqlocmapwidth = |hqlocleft = |hqloctop = |hqlocmappoptitle = |sworntype = |sworn = |unsworntype = |unsworn = |multinational = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[country1]] . . |[[countryNNN]]}}--> |electeetype = |minister1name = |minister1pfo = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |chief1name = |chief1position = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |parentagency = |child1agency = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |unittype = |unitname = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Unit1]] . . |[[UnitNNN]]}}--> |officetype = |officename = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Office1]] . . |[[OfficeNNN]]}}--> |provideragency = |uniformedas = |stationtype = |stations = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Station1]] . . |[[StationNNN]]}}--> |airbases = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Airbase1]] . . |[[AirbaseNNN]]}}--> |lockuptype = |lockups = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Lockup1]] . . |[[LockupNNN]]}}--> |vehicle1type = |vehicles1 = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Vehicle1]] . . |[[VehicleNNN]]}}--> <!-- (...up to 3...) --> |boat1type = |boats1 = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Boat1]] . . |[[BoatNNN]]}}--> <!-- (...up to 3...) --> |aircraft1type = |aircraft1 = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Aircraft1]] . . |[[AircraftNNN]]}}--> <!-- (...up to 3...) --> |animal1type = |animals1 = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Animal1]] . . |[[AnimalNNN]]}}--> <!-- (...up to 3...) --> |person1name = |person1reason = |person1type = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |programme1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |activity1name = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |activitytype = |anniversary1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |award1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |website = |footnotes = |reference = }}
Information box width
[തിരുത്തുക]Some articles may benefit from having a narrower information box than the one generated by default.
|narrowerbox = Yes
will reduce the width of the generated information box.
Note this might cause the length of the generated information box to increase, due to increased text wrap within table cells in the information box. Editors should take care to check the presentation of the information box if they add or remove this parameter.
Alternative skeleton
[തിരുത്തുക]Use this alternative if you prefer a skeleton with underscored parameter names instead of concatenated parameter names.
Underscored template parameter skeleton |
{{Infobox law enforcement agency |agency_name = |native_name = |native_name_a = |native_name_r = |common_name = |abbreviation = |fictional = |patch = |patch_caption = |logo = |logo_caption = |badge = |badge_caption = |flag = |flag_caption = |image_size = |motto = |motto_translated = |formed_year = |formed_month_day = |preceding1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |dissolved = |superseding = |employees = |volunteers = |budget = |legal_personality = |non_government = |country = |country_abbr = |national = |federal = |international = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[country1]] . . |[[countryNNN]]}}--> |div_type = |div_name = |div_dab = |sub_div_type = |sub_div_name = |sub_div_dab = |map = |dmap = |map_caption = |size_area = |size_population = |legal_juris = |governing_body = |governing_body_scnd = |constitution1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |police = |local = |military = |provost = |gendarmerie = |religious = |speciality1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |secret = |overview_type = |overview_body = |headquarters = |hq_loc_map = |hq_loc_map_width = |hq_loc_map_height = |hq_loc_map_border = |hq_loc_left = |hq_loc_top = |hq_loc_map_pop_title = |sworn_type = |sworn = |unsworn_type = |unsworn = |multinational = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[country1]] . . |[[countryNNN]]}}--> |electee_type = |minister1_name = |minister1_pfo = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |chief1_name = |chief1_position = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |parent_agency = |child1_agency = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |unit_type = |unit_name = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Unit1]] . . |[[UnitNNN]]}}--> |office_type = |office_name = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Office1]] . . |[[OfficeNNN]]}}--> |provider_agency = |uniformed_as = |station_type = |stations = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Station1]] . . |[[StationNNN]]}}--> |air_bases = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Airbase1]] . . |[[AirbaseNNN]]}}--> |lockup_type = |lockups = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Lockup1]] . . |[[LockupNNN]]}}--> |vehicle1_type = |vehicles1 = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Vehicle1]] . . |[[VehicleNNN]]}}--> <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |boat1_type = |boats1 = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Boat1]] . . |[[BoatNNN]]}}--> <!-- (...up to 3...) --> |aircraft1_type = |aircraft1 = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Aircraft1]] . . |[[AircraftNNN]]}}--> <!-- (...up to 3...) --> |animal1_type = |animals1 = <!--NNN or {{collapsible list |title=NNN |[[Animal1]] . . |[[AnimalNNN]]}}--> <!-- (...up to 3...) --> |person1_name = |person1_reason = |person1_type = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |programme1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |activity1_name = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |activity_type = |anniversary1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |award1 = <!-- (...up to 6...) --> |website = |footnotes = |reference = }} |
Example usage
[തിരുത്തുക]The text of the presented template instantiations in the examples below has been manually wrapped to get a better fit in the browser frame. Do not add unnecessary new lines when using the template. Varying frame width and screen resolution, then you might still get "overflow" from one example to the next example, etc., when viewing this documentation.
City of New York Police Department | |
![]() Flag of the New York City Police Department | |
പൊതുവായ പേര് | New York City Police Department |
ചുരുക്കം | NYPD |
ആപ്തവാക്യം | Fidelis ad Mortem (ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്: "Faithful Unto Death") |
ഏജൻസിയെ കുറിച്ച് | |
രൂപീകരിച്ചത് | 1845 |
ജീവനക്കാർ | 34,500 (Uniformed) |
ബജറ്റ് | $4.8 billion |
അധികാരപരിധി | |
പ്രവർത്തനപരമായ അധികാരപരിധി | New York, U.S. |
![]() | |
City of New York Police Department'ന്റെ അധികാരപരിധിയുടെ ഭൂപടം | |
പ്രദേശത്തിന്റെ വലിപ്പം | 468.9 ചതുരശ്ര മൈൽ (1,214 കി.m2) |
ജനസംഖ്യ | 8,405,000 |
നിയമപരമായ അധികാര പരിധി | New York City |
പൊതു സ്വഭാവം | |
പ്രവർത്തന ഘടന | |
ആസ്ഥാനം | 1 Police Plaza |
Police Commissioner ഉത്തരവാദപ്പെട്ട | |
മേധാവി |
മാതൃ ഏജൻസി | City Administrator's Office |
യൂണിറ്റുകൾs | List
Boroughs | List
സൗകര്യങ്ങൾ | |
Commands | 77 Precincts 12 Transit Districts 9 Housing Police Service Areas |
Police cars | 8,839 |
Police boats | 11 |
Helicopters | 8 |
Horses | 120 |
Dogs | 31 German Shepherds 3 Bloodhounds |
വെബ്സൈറ്റ് | |
www.NYC.gov |
{{Infobox law enforcement agency | agencyname = City of New York Police Department | commonname = New York City Police Department | abbreviation = NYPD | patch = Patch of the New York City Police Department.png | patchcaption = The New York City Police Department patch, depicting the department logo. | badge = NYPD Badge.jpg | badgecaption = The shield of the New York City Police Department (NYPD), with badge number "911". | flag = Flag of the New York City Police Department.png{{!}}border | flagcaption = Flag of the New York City Police Department | motto = ''Fidelis ad Mortem'' | mottotranslated = ({{lang-en|"Faithful Unto Death"}}) | formedyear = 1845 | formedmonthday = | employees = 34,500 (Uniformed) | budget = $4.8 billion | country = United States | countryabbr = U.S. | divtype = State | divname = New York | map = Map of New York Highlighting New York City.svg | mapcaption = | sizearea = {{convert|468.9|sqmi|km2}} | sizepopulation = 8,405,000 | legaljuris = [[New York City]] | police = Yes | local = Yes | headquarters = [[1 Police Plaza]] | sworntype = Police Officer | sworn officers = 34,413 (2011/12) | civilians = 14,172 (2010)<br><br><br>5,147 (2009) | total employees = 48,585 | electeetype = [[New York City Police Commissioner|Police Commissioner]] | minister1name = [[William J. Bratton]] | minister1pfo = | chief1name = [[Phillip Banks III]] | chief1position = Chief of Department | parentagency = City Administrator's Office | child1agency = | unittype = | unitname = {{collapsible list|[[New York City Police Department Auxiliary Police|Auxiliary Police]] |Aviation |Crime Scene |[[New York City Police Department Emergency Service Unit|Emergency Service]] |[[New York City Police Department Highway Patrol|Highway Patrol]] |[[New York City Police Department Housing Bureau|Housing Bureau]] |Evidence Collection |Major Case Squad |Movie and Television |[[Organized Crime Control Bureau]] |Real Time Crime |Scuba Team and Harbor |Special Victims |[[New York City Police Department School Safety Division|School Safety]] |Taxi Squad |Transit Bureau |[[New York City Police Department Transportation Bureau|Transportation Bureau]] }} | officetype = Borough | officename = {{collapsible list |Manhattan North |Manhattan South |Brooklyn North |Brooklyn South |Queens North |Queens South |Bronx |Staten Island }} | stationtype = Command | stations = 77 Precincts<br />12 Transit Districts<br />9 Housing Police Service Areas | vehicle1type = Police car | vehicles1 = 8,839 | boat1type = Police boat | boats1 = 11 | aircraft1type = Helicopter | aircraft1 = 8 | animal1type = Horse | animals1 = 120 | animal2type = Dog | animals2 = 31 German Shepherds<br />3 Bloodhounds | website = {{URL|http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd|www.NYC.gov}} | footnotes = | reference = }} A free use image has been substituted for the actual patch. This text has been manually and artificially wrapped for presentation purposes. Do not add any unnecessary new lines when using the template.
Ministry of Public Security 公安部 gōng ān bù | |
ചുരുക്കം | MPS |
അധികാരപരിധി | |
ദേശീയ ഏജൻസി | People's Republic of China |
പ്രവർത്തനപരമായ അധികാരപരിധി | People's Republic of China |
ഭരണസമിതി | State Council |
പൊതു സ്വഭാവം | |
പ്രവർത്തന ഘടന | |
ആസ്ഥാനം | Beijing |
Minister ഉത്തരവാദപ്പെട്ട |
കീഴ് ഏജൻസികൾ | |
Departments | 14
വെബ്സൈറ്റ് | |
http://www.mps.gov.cn/ (Chinese) http://www.mps.gov.cn/cenweb/English/index.htm (English) | |
Data for organisation as at February 2008. |
{{Infobox law enforcement agency |agencyname = Ministry of Public Security |abbreviation = MPS |nativename = 公安部 |nativenamer = gōng ān bù |country = People's Republic of China |governingbody = State Council |national = Yes |police = Yes |headquarters = [[Beijing]] |electeetype = Minister |minister1name = [[Meng Jianzhu]] |minister1pfo = Public Security |child1agency = [[People's Armed Police]] |child2agency = [[Public Security Bureaus]] |unittype = Department |unitname = {{collapsible list |title=14 |Economic Crime Investigation |Public Order Administration |Border Control | Criminal Investigatios |Exit and Entry Administration |Fire Control |Security Protection |Public Information Network Security Supervision |Penitentiary Administration |Traffic Control |Legal Affairs |International Cooperation |Drug Control |Counter Terrorism}} |website = http://www.mps.gov.cn/ (Chinese)<br>http://www.mps.gov.cn/ cenweb/English/index.htm (English) |footnotes = Data for organisation as at February 2008. }} This text has been manually and artificially wrapped for presentation purposes. Do not add any unnecessary new lines when using the template.
Lincolnshire Police (a snapshot information box example)
[തിരുത്തുക]Lincolnshire Police | |
![]() | |
ഏജൻസിയെ കുറിച്ച് | |
രൂപീകരിച്ചത് | 1946 |
മുമ്പത്തെ ഏജൻസികൾ |
ബജറ്റ് | £108.6[അവലംബം ആവശ്യമാണ്] |
അധികാരപരിധി | |
പ്രവർത്തനപരമായ അധികാരപരിധി | Lincolnshire, United Kingdom |
![]() | |
Jurisdcition over Lincolnshire excluding North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. | |
പ്രദേശത്തിന്റെ വലിപ്പം | 5,921 km² |
ജനസംഖ്യ | 646,000 |
നിയമപരമായ അധികാര പരിധി | England and Wales |
പൊതു സ്വഭാവം | |
പ്രവർത്തന ഘടന | |
അവലോകനം ചെയ്യുന്നത് Police authority | Lincolnshire Police Authority |
ആസ്ഥാനം | Nettleham, Lincolnshire |
സത്യപ്രതിജ്ഞ ചെയ്ത അംഗങ്ങൾs | 1,234[അവലംബം ആവശ്യമാണ്] |
മേധാവികൾ |
Divisions | 3
സൗകര്യങ്ങൾ | |
സ്റ്റേഷനുകൾs | 11
വെബ്സൈറ്റ് | |
http://www.lincs.police.uk/ | |
Data for organisation as at February 2008. |
{{Infobox law enforcement agency |agencyname = Lincolnshire Police |patch = |patchcaption = |badge = Law Enforcement WikiProject.svg |motto = |mottotranslated = |formedyear = 1946 |preceding1 = Lincolnshire Constabulary |preceding2 = Boston Police Force |preceding3 = Grantham Police Force |preceding4 = Lincoln Police Force |preceding5 = Grimsby Police Force |employees = |budget = £108.6{{Citation needed}} |country = United Kingdom |divtype = Shire |divname = Lincolnshire |map = EnglandPoliceLincolnshire.png |mapcaption = Jurisdiction over [[Lincolnshire]] excluding [[North Lincolnshire]] and [[North East Lincolnshire]]. |sizearea = 5,921 km² |sizepopulation = 646,000 |legaljuris = [[England]] and [[Wales]] |governingbody = |constitution1 = |police = Yes |local = Yes |overviewtype = [[Police authority]] |overviewbody = Lincolnshire Police Authority |headquarters = [[Nettleham]], [[Lincolnshire]] |sworn = 1,234{{Citation needed}} |unsworn = |electeetype = |minister1name = |minister1pfo = |chief1name = Tony Lake |chief1position = Chief Constable |officetype = Division |officename = {{collapsible list |title=3 |West |East |South}} |stations = {{collapsible list |title=11 |Boston |Gainsborough |Grantham |Lincoln |Louth |Mablethorpe |Market Rasen |Skegness |Sleford |Spalding |Stamford}} |website = http://www.lincs.police.uk/ |footnotes = Data for organisation as at February 2008. }} A free use image has been substituted for the actual badge. This text has been manually and artificially wrapped for presentation purposes. Do not add any unnecessary new lines when using the template.
For details on how to set up a snapshot information box, see Snapshot information boxes below.
Europol | |
ഏജൻസിയെ കുറിച്ച് | |
രൂപീകരിച്ചത് | July 1, 1999 |
അധികാരപരിധി | |
അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര ഏജൻസി | European Union |
രാജ്യങ്ങൾ | |
പ്രവർത്തനപരമായ അധികാരപരിധി | European Union |
![]() | |
Europol'ന്റെ അധികാരപരിധിയുടെ ഭൂപടം | |
ഭരണസമിതി | European Council |
പ്രവർത്തന ഘടന | |
ആസ്ഥാനം | The Hague, Netherlands |
![]() | |
Multinational agency | European Union |
ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥരുടെ ദേശീയത | Yes |
മേധാവി |
വെബ്സൈറ്റ് | |
http://www.europol.europa.eu/ | |
Data for organisation as at February 2008. |
{{Infobox law enforcement Agency |agencyname = Europol |logo = EUROPOL logo.svg |logocaption = Logo of Europol |formedyear = 1999 |formedmonthday = July 1 |constitution1 = [http://europa.eu/eur-lex/en/treaties/dat/C_2002325EN.000501.html Treaty on Eurpoean Union Title VI] |constitution2 = [http://www.europol.europa.eu/index.asp?page=legalconv The Europol Convention] |country = European Union |governingbody = European Council |international = {{collapsible list |title=27 |{{flagicon|Austria}}[[Austria]] |{{flagicon|Belgium}}[[Belgium]] |{{flagicon|Bulgaria}}[[Bulgaria]] |{{flagicon|Cyprus}}[[Cyprus]] |{{flagicon|Czech Republic}}[[Czech Republic]] |{{flagicon|Denmark}}[[Denmark]] |{{flagicon|Estonia}}[[Estonia]] |{{flagicon|Finland}}[[Finland]] |{{flagicon|France}}[[France]] |{{flagicon|Germany}}[[Germany]] |{{flagicon|Greece}}[[Greece]] |{{flagicon|Hungary}}[[Hungary]] |{{flagicon|Ireland}}[[Republic of Ireland|Ireland]] |{{flagicon|Italy}}[[Italy]] |{{flagicon|Latvia}}[[Latvia]] |{{flagicon|Lithuania}}[[Lithuania]] |{{flagicon|Luxembourg}}[[Luxembourg]] |{{flagicon|Malta}}[[Malta]] |{{flagicon|Netherlands}}[[Netherlands]] |{{flagicon|Poland}}[[Poland]] |{{flagicon|Portugal}}[[Portugal]] |{{flagicon|Romania}}[[Romania]] |{{flagicon|Slovakia}}[[Slovakia]] |{{flagicon|Slovenia}}[[Slovenia]] |{{flagicon|Spain}}[[Spain]] |{{flagicon|Sweden}}[[Sweden]] |{{flagicon|United Kingdom}}[[United Kingdom]]}} |multinational = Yes |map = Europol-members-map.png |headquarters = [[The Hague]], [[Netherlands]] |hqlocmap = EU_map_brown.svg |hqlocleft = 90 |hqloctop = 132 |employees = |budget = |chief1name = [[Max-Peter Ratzel]] |chief1position = Director |website = http://www.europol.europa.eu/ |footnotes = Data for organisation as at February 2008. }} This text has been manually and artificially wrapped for presentation purposes. Do not add any unnecessary new lines when using the template.
Australian Federal Police | |
ചുരുക്കം | AFP |
ഏജൻസിയെ കുറിച്ച് | |
രൂപീകരിച്ചത് | October 19, 1979 |
മുമ്പത്തെ ഏജൻസികൾ | |
ജീവനക്കാർ | 6,036 (30 June 2007)[1] |
സന്നദ്ധപ്രവർത്തകർ | Small numbers for non operations related activity. |
അധികാരപരിധി | |
കേന്ദ്ര ഏജൻസി | Australia |
പ്രവർത്തനപരമായ അധികാരപരിധി | Australia |
ഭരണസമിതി | Parliament of Australia |
ഭരണഘടന | |
പൊതു സ്വഭാവം | |
പ്രവർത്തന ഘടന | |
ആസ്ഥാനം | 68 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra City, ACT 2601, Australia |
സത്യപ്രതിജ്ഞ ചെയ്ത അംഗങ്ങൾs | 2,501 (30 June 2007)[1] |
സത്യപ്രതിജ്ഞ ചെയ്യാത്ത അംഗങ്ങൾs | 3,535 (30 June 2007)[1] |
Minister ഉത്തരവാദപ്പെട്ട |
മേധാവി | |
Functions | 9
Offices | 9
വെബ്സൈറ്റ് | |
http://www.afp.gov.au/ | |
The Australian Federal Police, while a federal agency, provides direct policing for dependant Australian territories.
Data for organisation as at February 2008. |
{{Infobox law enforcement Agency |agencyname = Australian Federal Police |abbreviation = AFP |formedyear = 1979 |formedmonthday = October 19 |budget = |preceding1 = [[Commonwealth Police]] |preceding2 = [[Australian Capital Territory Police]] |preceding3 = [[Federal Bureau of Narcotics]] |constitution1 = [http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/afpa1979225 Australian Federal Police Act 1979] |country = Australia |governingbody = Parliament of Australia |federal = Yes |police = footnote |local = footnote |headquarters = 68 Northbourne Avenue, [[Canberra]] City, ACT 2601, [[Australia]] |employees = 6,036 ''(30 June 2007)'' <ref>http://www.afp.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/61787/ 8_Appendixes.pdf Australian Federal Police Annual Report 2006–07 Appendix 6</ref> |volunteers = Small numbers for non operations related activity. |sworn = 2,501 ''(30 June 2007)'' <ref name="afp0607">http://www.afp.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/61787/ 8_Appendixes.pdf Australian Federal Police Annual Report 2006–07 Appendix 6</ref> |unsworn = 3,535 ''(30 June 2007)'' <ref name="afp0607">http://www.afp.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/61787/ 8_Appendixes.pdf Australian Federal Police Annual Report 2006–07 Appendix 6</ref> |electeetype = Minister |minister1name = The Hon Bob Debus MP, Member for Macquarie |minister1pfo = Home Affairs |chief1name = [[Mick Keelty]] |chief1position = [[Commissioner]] |unittype = Function |unitname = {{collapsible list |title=9 |[[Australian Hi-Tech Crime Centre]] |Counter Terrorism |Economic and Special Operations |Aviation |Border |International |Protection |International Deployment Group |intelligence}} |officetype = Office |officename = {{collapsible list |title=9 |Adelaide Office |Brisbane Office |Darwin Office |Hobart Office |Melbourne Office |Perth Office |Sydney Office |Protective Service, Kingston |Winchester Centre, ACT}} |website = http://www.afp.gov.au/ |footnotes = The Australian Federal Police, while a federal agency, provides direct policing for dependant Australian territories. <br><br>Data for organisation as at February 2008. }} This text has been manually and artificially wrapped for presentation purposes. Do not add any unnecessary new lines when using the template.
Template parameters
[തിരുത്തുക]Parameter name | Required | Description | Values |
Agency header | yes | agencyname is provided automatically based on PAGENAME if not provided. | |
agencyname | no | Name of the agency. Defaults to the name of the current page. | Text. Do not link. |
nativename | no | Agency name in a native language using Western characters (French, German, Spanish, etc.), such as Port Lotniczy im. Fryderyka Chopina. Can also be used for two different names in the same language. | Text. |
nativenamea | no | Agency name in a native language with non-Western characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, etc.), such as 北京首都国际机场. | Text. |
nativenamer | no | Use in conjunction with nativenamea for Romanized name of the agency, such as Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng. | Text. |
commonname | no | Common name for the agency. | Text. Do not link. |
abbreviation | no | Abbreviation of the agency name. | Text. |
fictional | no | 'Yes' if the agency is a fictional agency | Text == Yes. |
patch | no | Patch for the agency. | Image file name. |
patchcaption | no | Caption for the agency patch. Defaults to 'Patch of the agencyname.' upon use of patch. This parameter and the corresponding image file name can be retyped to another useful image, for example overridden to "coat of arms". | Optionally linked text. |
logo | no | Logo for the agency. | Image file name. |
logocaption | no | Caption for the agency logo. Defaults to 'Logo of the agencyname.' upon use of logo. This parameter and the corresponding image file name can be retyped to another useful image, for example overridden to "coat of arms". | Optionally linked text. |
badge | no | Badge for the agency. | Image file name. |
badgecaption | no | Caption for the agency badge. Defaults to 'Badge of the agencyname.' upon use of badge. This parameter and the corresponding image file name can be retyped to another useful image, for example overridden to "coat of arms". | Optionally linked text. |
flag | no | Flag for the agency. | Image file name. |
flagcaption | no | Caption for the agency flag. Defaults to 'Flag of the agencyname.' upon use of flag. This parameter and the corresponding image file name can be retyped to another useful image, for example overridden to "coat of arms". | Optionally linked text. |
imagesize | no | Size in px of the images for patch, logo, badge, flag. Defaults to 250. | Single number. |
motto | no | The motto of the agency. | Optionally linked text. |
mottotranslated | no | The English translation of the motto of the agency. | Optionally linked text. |
Agency overview | yes | At least one parameter should be provided. | |
formed | no | Date of formation of the agency. This parameter has been deprecated by formedyear and formedmonthday. | Linked text, for example, 25 July 2005, or 1876. |
formedyear | no | The year the agency was formed. | yyyy. Do not link. |
formedmonthday | no | The month and day of month the agency was formed. Ignored if formedyear not set. | Month name followed by day of month number. Do not link. |
preceding1 | no | Name of preceding agency. Can be repeated up to six times (preceding1 to preceding6). Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of preceding2. |
Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
dissolved | no | Date of dissolution of the agency. | Text, for example, 25 July 2005, or 1876]. |
superseding | no | Name of superseding agency. | Optionally linked text. |
employees | no | Number of employees of the agency. | Number with optional citation or comment. |
volunteers | no | Number of volunteers to the agency. | Number with optional citation or comment. |
budget | no | Annual budget of the agency | Linked and referenced text, for example, $95M [[USD]] (2006). |
nongovernment | no | Full legal name of organisation if the agency is not a governmental agency. Describes the general legal personality of the agency. Defaults to 'Governmental agency'. This parameter has been deprecated by legalpersonality. | Optionally linked text. |
legalpersonality | no | The legal personality of the agency. For example: government agency; government-owned corporation; government ministry; partnership; privately-held company; cooperative; body corporate; or, the full legal name of organisation if the type of organisation is not known. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
Jurisdictional structure | yes | At least one parameter should be provided. | |
country | yes | Name of the country or name of the group of countries the agency operates in or across. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
countryabbr | no | Abbreviation for the country. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
national | no | 'Yes' if the agency services a single national jurisdiction. | Text == Yes. |
federal | no | 'Yes' if the agency services a jurisdiction established by a Federation. | Text == Yes. |
international | no | Number of, or optionally linked list of, the countries the agency has jurisdiction in or across. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
divtype | no | Title of a division of a country, for example, State, Territory, etc., or 'Police area' if the jurisdiction is specifically constructed. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
divname | no | Name of a division of a country, for example, Queensland, Pennsylvania, etc. The template will attempt to disambiguate if required. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
divdab | no | Value for explicit disambiguation of divname. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
subdivtype | no | Title of a sub division of a country, for example, City, County, etc., or 'Police area' if the jurisdiction is specifically constructed. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
subdivname | no | Name of a sub division of a country, for example, Sydney, Bucks, etc. The template will attempt to disambiguate if required. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
subdivdab | no | Value for explicit disambiguation of subdivname. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
map | no | Map of jurisdiction of the agency. | Image file name. |
dmap | no | Location Map of jurisdiction of the agency. | Use Template:Location map to get image. |
mapcaption | no | Caption for the agency map. Linking is recommended to a more detailed description of the geography of the jurisdiction. Defaults to 'Map of the agencyname's jurisdiction.'. It is recommended that this parameter and its corresponding image file name NOT be overridden to another image type. | Optionally linked text. |
sizearea | no | Size of geographic area covered by the jurisdiction. | Number and area unit, preferably metric. |
sizepopulation | no | Size of the population covered by the jurisdiction. | Number. |
legaljuris | no | Name of area in which the agency is legally empowered to act. If the same as the operational area then set value to 'opsjuris'. | Optionally linked text, or Text == opsjuris. |
governingbody | no | Name of the governing body which is responsible for the agency, the law making body. Do not confuse with the overviewbody parameter below. The title will change from 'Governing body' to 'Primary governing body' if the governingbodyscnd parameter is set. | Text, for example, Government of Western Australia or United States Government. Do not link. The template will link. |
governingbodyscnd | no | Name of a secondary governing body which is responsible for the agency, for example, a local or state government versus as state of federal government respectively, and a law making body. Do not confuse with the overviewbody parameter below. | Text. Do not link. The template will link. |
constitution1 | no | Titles and references to the instruments of the governing body which constitute and create the agency. Can be repeated up to six times (constitution1 to constitution6). Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of constitution2. |
Text, linked and-or referenced. |
police | no | 'Yes' if the agency also provides services related to general social order and public safety. 'footnote' if qualified provision and use footnotes below. | Text == Yes, or Text == footnote. |
local | no | 'Yes' if the agency is the local or territorial agency for the type of services provided. 'footnote' if qualified provision and use footnoes below. | Text == Yes, or Text == footnote. |
military | no | 'Yes' if the agency is a military police agency. | Text == Yes. |
paramilitary | no | 'Yes' if the agency is a paramilitary police agency. | Text == Yes. |
provost | no | 'Yes' if the agency is a military provost. Forces military parameter to 'Yes'. | Text == Yes. |
gendarmerie | no | 'Yes' if the agency is a gendarmerie. Forces military parameter to 'Yes'. | Text == Yes. |
religious | no | 'Yes' if the agency is involved in enforcing religious law. | Text == Yes, or Text == footnote. |
restriction | no | Identifies the agency as having jurisdiction of very particular types of geography, property, etc. This parameter has been deprecated by speciality. | Enumerated text value. |
speciality | no | Identifies the agency as having a specialist jurisdiction of particular types of geography, property, etc. This parameter has been deprecated by speciality1. | Enumerated text value. |
speciality1 | no | Identifies the agency as having a specialist jurisdiction of particular types of geography, property, etc. Can be repeated up to 6 times. | Enumerated text value, one of == institution, education, primary, secondary, nontertiary, tertiary, water, envher, postal, property, road, customs, corruption, rail, vehicle, protection, specops, fraud, paramilitary, diplomatic, border, coast. |
secret | no | A (robust) source reference for the fact that the organisation is known as a secret police organisation. The infobox will name the reference "ibleasecpol". This reference name can be used elsewhere in the article to refer to the same reference using <ref name="ibleasecpol"/>. Place {{Reflist}} at the end of the article in a ==References== section to display the reference. | Optionally templated and-or linked text. |
Operational structure | yes | At least one parameter value should be provided. | |
overviewtype | no | Type of overview authority for the operations of and community engagement by the agency. Defaults to 'Overviewed by', and becomes 'Overviewed by overviewtype'. | Optionally linked text. |
overviewbody | no | Name of the overviewbody. | Optionally linked text. |
headquarters | no | Location of the agencies's headquarters. | Text, for example, [[Sydney, New South Wales]], [[Australia]] |
hqlocmap | no | Map containing location of the headquarters. | Image file name. |
hqlocmapwidth | no | Width of the map in pixels. Defaults to 265. | Number. |
hqlocmapheight | no | Height of the map in pixels. Defaults to 265. Must be set for infobox to display correctly if the map image is higher than it is wide. Best value is to set the height so that the width scales to 265 pixels. | Number. |
hqlocmapborder | no | By default a border will be placed around the map image. Set to 'No' to stop a border being placed around the image. | Text == No. |
hqlocleft | no | Position of headquarters on map - number of pixels from left side of hqlocmap. Defaults to 132. | Number. |
hqloctop | no | Position of headquarters on map - number of pixels from top side of hqlocmap. Defaults to 132. | Number. |
hqlocmappoptitle | no | Pop up title on mouse over map. Defaults to 'Map indicating the location of the headquarters'. | Text. |
sworntype | no | Type or title of sworn members, for example 'Police officer', 'Federal agent'. Defaults to 'Sworn member'. The 's' is added by the template. | Optionally linked text. |
sworn | no | Number of sworn members of the agency. | Number with optional citation or comment. |
sworntype | no | Type or title of unsworn members, for example 'Staff member', 'Civilian'. Defaults to 'Unsworn member'. The 's' is added by the template. | Optionally linked text. |
unsworn | no | Number of unsworn members of the agency. | Number with optional citation or comment. |
multinational | no | Number of, or optionally linked list of, the countries the agency draws personnel from. Note that an international agency does not necessarily draw personnel from all countries in its jurisdiction. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
electeetype | no | Generic type of governing body officials overseeing the agency. For example, Minister. Defaults to 'Elected officer'. | Optionally linked text. |
minister1name | no | Elected or overseeing governing body member. For westminster systems: Name of current minister responsible for the agency. Can be repeated up to six times (minister1name to minister6name). Note: Title of box, electeeetype, will automatically pluralise upon use of minister2name. |
Optionally linked text. |
minister1pfo | no | Elected or overseeing governing body member. For Westminster systems: Portfolio title of responsible minister. Can be repeated up to six times (minister1pfo to minister6pfo). | Optionally linked text. |
chief1name | no | Name of current agency chief/director/executive director. Can be repeated up to six times (chief1name to chief6name). Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of chief2name. |
Text. |
chief1position | no | Position title of current agency chief/director/executive director. Can be repeated up to six times (chief1position to chief6position). | Optionally linked text. |
parentagency | no | Parent agency of this agency | Optionally linked text. |
child1agency | no | List of current child agencies reporting to this agency. Can be repeated up to six times (child1agency to child6agency). Note: Title of box will automatically pluralise upon use of child2_agency. |
Optionall linked text. |
unittype | no | Generic name or title of a unit if the agency, for example, Function, Division, Command. Defaults to 'Unit'. | Optionally linked text. |
unitname | no | Optionally linked list of the units in the agency, for example, Crime Stoppers, Counter Terrorism. The intent here is to list operations, and operations support units, for example Crimes Scenes, Forensics, and not administration units. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
officetype | no | Generic name or title of the operation area of the agency, for example, Office, Precinct, District. Defaults to 'Command'. | Text. |
officename | no | Optionally linked list of the operation areas of the agency. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
provideragency | no | Name of the agency to which the services are outsourced to. | Optionally linked text. |
uniformed as | no | Name of agency if the not uniformed as the 'agencyname'. Defaults to agencname | Optionally linked text. |
Facilities | no | Each of the following facilities can be "type" overridden but will still display in the set order. For example, lockuptype/lockups can be used as vehicle0type/vehicle0s, boat1type/boats1 can be used as vehicle4type/vehicles4, boat2type/boats2 can be used vehicle5type/vehicles5, etc. There are up to 14 facilities which can be typed as required. | |
stationtype | no | Generic name or title of a work location of the agency, for example, Station, Office, Precinct. Defaults to 'Station'. | Optionally linked text. |
stations | no | Number of or optionally linked list of the work locations of the agency. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
airbases | no | Number of or optionally linked list of the airbases of the agency. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
lockuptype | no | Generic name or title of a temporary detention centre of the agency, for example, Lockup, Watch house, Remand centre. Defaults to 'Lockup'. | Optionally linked text. |
lockups | no | Number of or optionally linked list of the temporary detention centres of the agency. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
vehicle1type | no | Generic name or title of a vehicle of the agency, for example, Patrol car, Forward command vehicle, Tactical vehicle. Defaults to 'Patrol car'. Can be repeated up to 3 times. | Optionally linked text. |
vehicles1 | no | Number of or optionally linked list of the vehicles of the agency. Can be repeated up to 3 times. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
boat1type | no | Generic name or title of a water craft of the agency, for example, Boat, Patrol craft. Defaults to 'Boat'. Can be repeated up to 3 times. | Optionally linked text. |
boats1 | no | Number of or optionally linked list of the water craft of the agency. Can be repeated up to 3 times. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
aircraft1type | no | Generic name or title of an air craft of the agency, for example, Plane, Helicopter. Defaults to 'Plane'. Can be repeated up to 3 times. | Optionally linked text. |
aircraft1 | no | Number of or optionally linked list of the air craft of the agency. Can be repeated up to 3 times. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
animal1type | no | Generic name or title of an animal of the agency, for example, Dog, Horse. Defaults to 'Dog'. Can be repeated up to 3 times. | Optionally linked text. |
animal1 | no | Number of or optionally linked list of the animals of the agency. Can be repeated up to 3 times. | Number or template reference with parameters. |
Notables | no | Key significant notables for the agency. These and other, more numerous, notables should appear in article sections or even separate supporting articles. | |
person1name | no | Name of agency member notable for special reason. Up to 6. | Optionally linked text. |
person1type | no | Type of peson, for example 'Inspector', 'Federal agent', 'Director', 'Commissioner'. | Optionally linked text. |
person1reason | no | Reason the agency is notable, for example, bravery, reform, corruption (yes the bad too). | Optionally linked text. |
programme1 | no | Name of a key agency programme, or campign, for example, most wanted. Up to 6. | Optionally linked text. |
activitytype | no | Type of activity or event, for example 'investigation'. Defaults to 'operation'. Automatically suffixed with an 's' on use of activity2name. | Optionally linked text. |
activity1name | no | Name of an activity or event which is notable. Up to 6. | Optionally linked text. |
anniversary1 | no | Name of notable event to be commemorated. Up to 6. | Optionally linked text. Recommended format: [[optionally piped text]] ([[Year]], [[dd Month]]) |
award1 | no | Name of award, decoration, honour, or other significant recognition. Up to 6. | Optionally linked text. Recommended format: [[optionally piped text]] ([[Year]], [[dd Month]]) |
patronsaint | no | Name of the patron saint. | Optionally linked text. |
Website and footnotes | no | ||
website | no | Web address for agency website | WWW address. |
footnotes | no | Footnotes or references for included information | Text. |
reference | no | A main reference for the data provided in the infobox. The infobox box will name the reference "iblearef". This reference name can be used elsewhere in the article to refer to the same reference using <ref name="iblearef"/>. There will be a reference tag placed in the footnotes at the bottom of the infobox. Place {{Reflist}} at the end of the article in a ==References== section to display the reference. | Optionally templated and-or linked text. |
Parameter test
[തിരുത്തുക]Agency Name Native Name Romanised Agency Name | |
ഇതൊരു സാങ്കൽപ്പിക സംഘടനയാണ് | |
![]() Caption for patch | |
പൊതുവായ പേര് | Common agency name |
ചുരുക്കം | AN |
ആപ്തവാക്യം | Motto is a good motto Motto is better when translated |
ഏജൻസിയെ കുറിച്ച് | |
രൂപീകരിച്ചത് | Formed Month Day, Formed Year |
മുമ്പത്തെ ഏജൻസികൾ |
പിരിച്ചുവിട്ടു | Latember DD, Year |
സൂപ്പർസീഡിംഗ് ഏജൻസി | Supersed By Agency |
ജീവനക്കാർ | Number of employees |
സന്നദ്ധപ്രവർത്തകർ | Number of volunteers |
ബജറ്റ് | Budget |
അധികാരപരിധി | |
ദേശീയ ഏജൻസി (പ്രവർത്തന അധികാരപരിധി) | C |
കേന്ദ്ര ഏജൻസി (പ്രവർത്തന അധികാരപരിധി) | C |
അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര ഏജൻസി | C |
രാജ്യങ്ങൾ | 4
പ്രവർത്തനപരമായ അധികാരപരിധി | Name of subdivision, Name of division, C |
പ്രദേശത്തിന്റെ വലിപ്പം | Area km2 |
ജനസംഖ്യ | Population count |
നിയമപരമായ അധികാര പരിധി | പ്രവർത്തന അധികാരപരിധി അനുസരിച്ച് |
പ്രാഥമിക ഭരണസമിതി | Governing Body |
രണ്ടാമത്തെ ഭരണസമിതി | Secondary governing body |
| |
പൊതു സ്വഭാവം | |
പ്രത്യേക അധികാരങ്ങൾ |
പ്രവർത്തന ഘടന | |
അവലോകനം ചെയ്യുന്നത് Over View Type | Over View Body |
ആസ്ഥാനം | An address for the agency |
Sworn types | Number of sworn members |
Unsworn types | Number of unsworn members |
Multinational agency | C |
ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥരുടെ ദേശീയത | 4
തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കപ്പെട്ട ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥൻമാർ ഉത്തരവാദപ്പെട്ട |
മേധാവികൾ |
മാതൃ ഏജൻസി | Parent Agency Name |
കീഴ് ഏജൻസികൾ |
Unit Types | 4
Office Types | 4
സേവനങ്ങൾ നൽകുന്നത് | Providing Agency |
Uniformed as | Uniformed as Agency |
സൗകര്യങ്ങൾ | |
Station Types | Number of stations |
എയർബേസുകൾ | 3
Lockup Types | Number of lockups |
Vehicle One Types | Number of vehicle ones |
Vehicle Two Types | Number of vehicle twos |
Vehicle Three Types | Number of vehicle threes |
Boat One Types | Number of boat ones |
Boat Two Types | Number of boat twos
Boat Three Types | Number of boat threes |
Aircraft Type Ones | Number of aircraft ones |
Aircraft Type Twos | Number of aircraft twos |
Aircraft Type Threes | Number of aircraft threes |
Animal One Types | Number of animal ones
Animal Two Types | Number of animal twos
Animal Three Types | Number of animal threes |
പ്രമുഖർ | |
വ്യക്തികൾ |
Programmes |
ശ്രദ്ധേയമായ actions |
വാർഷികംies |
അവാർഡ്s |
വെബ്സൈറ്റ് | |
http://www.website.agency.gov | |
Footnotes |
{{Infobox law enforcement agency |agencyname = Agency Name |nativename = Native Name |nativenamea = |nativenamer = Romanised Agency Name |commonname = Common agency name |abbreviation = AN |fictional = Yes |patch = Law Enforcement WikiProject.svg |patchcaption = Caption for patch |logo = |logocaption = Caption for logo |badge = |badgecaption = Caption for badge |flag = |flagcaption = Caption for flag |motto = Motto is a good motto |mottotranslated = Motto is better when translated |formedyear = Formed Year |formedmonthday = Formed Month Day |preceding1 = Absorbed Agency One |preceding2 = Absorbed Agency Two |preceding3 = Absorbed Agency Three |preceding4 = Absorbed Agency Four |preceding5 = Absorbed Agency Five |preceding6 = Absorbed Agency Six |dissolved = Latember DD, Year |superseding = Supersed By Agency |employees = Number of employees |volunteers = Number of volunteers |budget = Budget |country = Country |countryabbr = C |national = Yes |federal = Yes |international = {{collapsible list |title=4 |country1 |country2 |country3 |country4}} |divtype = Division type |divname = Name of division |divdab = |subdivtype = Sub division type |subdivname = Name of subdivision |subdivdab = Disambiguation of sub division |map = |mapcaption = Caption for jurisdiction map |sizearea = Area km<sup>2</sup> |sizepopulation = Population count |legaljuris = opsjuris |governingbody = Governing Body |governingbodyscnd = Secondary governing body |constitution1 = Constituting Instrument One |constitution2 = Constituting Instrument Two |constitution3 = Constituting Instrument Three |constitution4 = Constituting Instrument Four |constitution5 = Constituting Instrument Five |constitution6 = Constituting Instrument Six |police = Yes |local = footnote |military = Yes |religious = footnote |speciality1 = water |speciality2 = rail |speciality3 = road |speciality4 = education |speciality5 = vehicle |speciality6 = envher |overviewtype = Over View Type |overviewbody = Over View Body |headquarters = An address for the agency |hqlocmap = |hqlocleft = |hqloctop = |hqlocmappoptitel = Pop up map title. |sworntype = Sworn type |sworn = Number of sworn members |unsworntype = Unsworn type |unsworn = Number of unsworn members |multinational = {{collapsible list |title=4 |countryA |countryB |countryC |countryD}} |minister1name = Minister Named One |minister1pfo = portfolio Named One |minister2name = Minister Named Two |minister2pfo = portfolio Named Two |minister3name = Minister Named Three |minister3pfo = portfolio Named Three |minister4name = Minister Named Four |minister4pfo = portfolio Named Four |minister5name = Minister Named Five |minister5pfo = portfolio Named Five |minister6name = Minister Named Six |minister6pfo = portfolio Named Six |chief1name = Name of Chief One |chief1position = Title of Chief One |chief2name = Name of Chief Two |chief2position = Title of Chief Two |chief3name = Name of Chief Three |chief3position = Title of Chief Three |chief4name = Name of Chief Four |chief4position = Title of Chief Four |chief5name = Name of Chief Five |chief5position = Title of Chief Five |chief6name = Name of Chief Six |chief6position = Title of Chief Six |parentagency = Parent Agency Name |child1agency = Child Agency One |child2agency = Child Agency Two |child3agency = Child Agency Three |child4agency = Child Agency Four |child5agency = Child Agency Five |child6agency = Child Agency Six |unittype = Unit Type |unitname = {{collapsible list |title=4 |Unit Name 1 |Unit Name 2 |Unit Name 3 |Unit Name 4}} |officetype = Office Type |officename = {{collapsible list |title=4 |Office1 |Office2 |Office3 |Office4}} |provideragency = Providing Agency |uniformedas = Uniformed as Agency |stationtype = Station Type |stations = Number of stations |lockuptype = Lockup Type |lockups = Number of lockups |vehicle1type = Vehicle One Type |vehicles1 = Number of vehicle ones |vehicle2type = Vehicle Two Type |vehicles2 = Number of vehicle twos |vehicle3type = Vehicle Three Type |vehicles3 = Number of vehicle threes |boat1type = Boat One Type |boats1 = Number of boat ones |boat2type = Boat Two Type |boats2 = {{collapsible list |title=Number of boat twos |Sea Goer |Water Glider |Always Afloat}} |boat3type = Boat Three Type |boats3 = Number of boat threes |aircraft1type = Aircraft Type One |aircraft1 = Number of aircraft ones |aircraft2type = Aircraft Type Two |aircraft2 = Number of aircraft twos |aircraft3type = Aircraft Type Three |aircraft3 = Number of aircraft threes |animal1type = Animal One Type |animals1 = {{collapsible list |title=Number of animal ones |Fido |Defor |Spot |Getim }} |animal2type = Animal Two Type |animals2 = {{collapsible list |title=Number of animal twos |Sire's Pride |Mare's Joy |Equinus }} |animal3type = Animal Three Type |animals3 = Number of animal threes |person1name = Notable Person One |person1reason = reason one |person2name = Notable Person Two |person2type = Person Type Two |person3name = Notable Person Three |person3reason = reason three |person3type = Person Type Three |person4name = Notable Person Four |person4reason = reason four |person5name = Notable Person Five |person5type = Person Type Five |person6name = Notable Person Six |person6reason = reason six |person6type = Person Type Six |programme1 = Programme One |programme2 = Programme Two |programme3 = Programme Three |programme4 = Programme Four |programme5 = Programme Five |programme6 = Programme Six |activity1name = Activity One |activity2name = Activity Two |activity3name = Activity Three |activity4name = Activity Four |activity5name = Activity Five |activity6name = Activity Six |activitytype = action |anniversary1 = Anniversary One |anniversary2 = Anniversary Two |anniversary3 = Anniversary Three |anniversary4 = Anniversary Four |anniversary5 = Anniversary Five |anniversary6 = Anniversary Six |award1 = Award One |award2 = Award Two |award3 = Award Three |award4 = Award Four |award5 = Award Five |award6 = Award Six |website = http://www.website.agency.gov |footnotes = Footnotes |reference = Reference for the data }} This text has been manually and artificially wrapped for presentation purposes. Do not add any unnecessary new lines when using the template.
Notes for template editors
[തിരുത്തുക]Snapshot information boxes
[തിരുത്തുക]To put a snapshot copy of the information box from a main article for a law enforcement agency in an article related to the law enforcement agency:
- Instead of adding the template to the law enforcement agency's (main) article, create a new template using the Infobox law enforcement agency template, for example Template:Foo City Police.
- Copy the following parameter instantiations into the Infobox law enforcement agency template call in Template:Foo City Police:
| sharedcat = Foo City Police
| infotype = {{{infotype|related}}}
| subname = {{{subname|}}}
| doc = {{{doc|<noinclude>doc</noinclude>}}} - Create the category Category:Foo City Police, so that all articles related to Foo City Police can be categorised together. The categorisation of the main and related articles will then be done automatically by the template.
- Add {{Foo City Police |infotype=main}} to the main article for Foo City Police.
- Add {{Foo City Police}} to the articles related to Foo City Police.
- Also, for example, include:
| subname = Training Academy
in the Foo City Police Training Academy article to properly place the article within the Foo City Police category page.
Also categorise the new Foo City Police template into Category:Snapshotinfoboxes for law enforcement agencies.
If any images for patch, logo, badge, flag are provided, then the first image in this list is placed in the noncollapsible section of the infobox and any further images are placed in the collapsible section of the infobox by the template.
Usage for snapshot information boxes
[തിരുത്തുക]Usage for the Foo City Police snapshot information box template will be:
{{Foo City Police |
infotype = |
subname = }} infotype: optional – normally defaults to related
subname: optional
This is available via {{Infobox law enforcement agency/snapshotinfoboxusage |Foo City Police}}.
Automatic categorisation
[തിരുത്തുക]The automatic bulk categorisation is done by the sub template Template:Infobox law enforcement agency/autocat.
The automatic single categorisation, for a snapshot information box, is done in the main template.
Automatic categorisation can be turned off by setting the doc parameter to any value. This parameter is not documented above, and is not for use in articles. The doc parameter should only be used for documentation purposes, for example in the template use examples to turn off categorisation of the documentation and the template, etc.
If the template cannot find a geographic category for the article, country sub division, country division, or country, then the article is placed in to the hidden category Category:Law enforcement agency articles with no available geographic category.
Automatic disambiguation
[തിരുത്തുക]The automatic disambiguation is done by the sub template Template:Infobox law enforcement agency/paramdab:
- {{paramdab |paramdab|param|paramtype|paramarea|abbr}}. Only parameter 2 is mandatory.
A disambiguable parameter, param, will be disambiguated by the template if possible.
A disambiguable parameter, param, can have its disambiguation set by using the corresponding parameter, paramdab.
The template will try, in order:
- [[paramdab|param]]
- [[param (Paramtype)|param]]
- [[param (paramtype)|param]]
- [[param, Paramarea|param]]
- [[param (abbr paramtype)|param]]
- [[param]]
If there is no link available the article is placed into the hidden category Category:Law enforcement agency articles with no operations jurisdiction link.
Regression testing
[തിരുത്തുക]To assist in the testing of changes to existing parameters, temporarily add the following to the entry point template:
{{#if:{{{parameter|}}}|[[Category:Infobox law enforcement agency parameter use]]}}
This will allow the quick checking of articles which use the relevant parameter via the hidden category Category:Infobox law enforcement agency parameter use.
Checklists for template editors
[തിരുത്തുക]Adding or modifying a parameter:
- Add a new parameter to the copy skeleton under usage.
- Update or create a relevant example, both the non tagged and <pre> tagged material.
- Update the parameters table.
- Update the parameter test.
- Update the automatic categorisation and Template:Infobox law enforcement agency/autocat if appropriate.
- Update the deficiencies if appropriate
- Update this check list if appropriate.
Template administration categories
[തിരുത്തുക]The following are hidden categories which are used to help administer this template:
- Category:Infobox law enforcement agency parameter use
- Category:Law enforcement agency articles with no operations jurisdiction link
- Category:Law enforcement agency articles with no available geographic category
Structure of template call relationships
[തിരുത്തുക]Sub calls
[തിരുത്തുക]Para calls
[തിരുത്തുക]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 http://www.afp.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/61787/8_Appendixes.pdf Australian Federal Police Annual Report 2006–07 Appendix 6
See also
[തിരുത്തുക]മുകളിൽ കാണുന്ന വിവരണം ഫലകം:Infobox law enforcement agency/doc എന്ന ഉപതാളിൽ നിന്ന് ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തിയിട്ടുള്ളതാണ്. (തിരുത്തുക | നാൾവഴി) താങ്കൾക്ക് പരീക്ഷണങ്ങൾ ഫലകത്തിന്റെ എഴുത്തുകളരി (നിർമ്മിക്കുക) താളിലോ testcases (നിർമ്മിക്കുക) താളിലോ നടത്താവുന്നതാണ്. ദയവായി വർഗ്ഗങ്ങളും ബഹുഭാഷാകണ്ണികളും /വിവരണം ഉപതാളിൽ മാത്രം ഇടുക. ഈ ഫലകത്തിന്റെ ഉപതാളുകൾ. |