ഉള്ളടക്കത്തിലേക്ക് പോവുക

ഹാർവാർഡ് സർവകലാശാല

വിക്കിപീഡിയ, ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര വിജ്ഞാനകോശം.
ഹാർവാർഡ് സർവകലാശാല
പ്രമാണം:Harvard Wreath Logo 1.svg
ലത്തീൻ: Universitas Harvardiana
മുൻ പേരു(കൾ)
Harvard College
തരംPrivate research
സ്ഥാപിതം1636 (1636)[2]
സാമ്പത്തിക സഹായം$34.541 billion (2016)[3]
പ്രസിഡന്റ്Drew Gilpin Faust
സ്ഥലംCambridge, Massachusetts, United States
210 ഏക്കർ (85 ഹെ)
NewspaperThe Harvard Crimson
അത്‌ലറ്റിക്സ്NCAA Division IIvy League
കായിക വിളിപ്പേര്Harvard Crimson

ലോകത്തിലെ പ്രശസ്തമായ ഒരു സർവകലാശാലയാണ് അമേരിക്കയിലെ മസാച്യുസെറ്റ്സിൽ കേംബ്രിഡ്ജിൽ സ്ഥിതിചെയ്യുന്ന ഹാർവാർഡ് സർവകലാശാല(Harvard University) ഒരു സ്വകാര്യ ഐവി ലീഗ് സർവകലാശാലയായ ഇത് 1636-ലാണ് സ്ഥാപിതമായത്.[7][8][9] അമേരിക്കൻ ഐക്യനാടുകളിലെ ആദ്യത്തെ ഉപരിപഠനസ്ഥാപനമായ[10] ഹാർവാർഡിന്റെ ചരിത്രവും സ്വാധീനവും ധനസമ്പത്തുമാണ് ഇതിലെ ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും മികച്ച സർവകലാശാലകളിലൊന്നാക്കിത്തീർക്കുന്നത്.[11] ആദ്യകാലത്ത് കൺഗ്രഷനൽ, യൂണിറ്റേറിയൻ പുരോഹിതരെ പരിശീലിപ്പിച്ചു വന്നിരുന്നുവെങ്കിലും 18-ആം നൂറ്റാണ്ടോടെ ഈ സ്ഥാപനം മതനിരപേക്ഷത കൈവരിക്കുകയും 19-ആം നൂറ്റാണ്ടോടെ ബോസ്റ്റണിലെ ഉന്നതവർഗ്ഗക്കാരുടെയിടയിലെ മുഖ്യ സാംസ്കാരികകേന്ദ്രമായി വളരുകയും ചെയ്തു. [12] [13]

അമേരിക്കൻ ആഭ്യന്തര യുദ്ധത്തിനുശേഷം, പ്രസിഡന്റ് എലിയറ്റ് തന്റെ ദീർഘകാലം നീണ്ടുനിന്ന (1869–1909) ഭരണകാലത്ത് ഹാർവാർഡിനെ ഒരു മികച്ച ഗവേഷണ സർവകലാശാലയാക്കി.


  1. Harvard's Veritas appears on the university's arms; heraldically speaking, however, a 'motto' is a word or phrase displayed on a scroll in conjunction with a shield of arms. Since 1692 University seals have borne Christo et Ecclesiae (for Christ and the Church) in this manner, arguably making that phrase the university's motto in a heraldic sense. This legend is otherwise not in general use today.
  2. An appropriation of £400 toward a "school or college" was voted on October 28, 1636 (OS), at a meeting which convened on September 8 and was adjourned to October 28. Some sources consider October 28, 1636 (OS) (November 7, 1636 NS) to be the date of founding. Harvard's 1936 tercentenary celebration treated September 18 as the founding date, though 1836 bicentennial was celebrated on September 8, 1836. Sources: meeting dates, Quincy, Josiah (1860). History of Harvard University. 117 Washington Street, Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee and Co.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link), p. 586, "At a Court holden September 8th, 1636 and continued by adjournment to the 28th of the 8th month (October, 1636)... the Court agreed to give £400 towards a School or College, whereof £200 to be paid next year...." Tercentenary dates: "Cambridge Birthday". Time. September 28, 1936. Archived from the original on 2012-12-05. Retrieved September 8, 2006.: "Harvard claims birth on the day the Massachusetts Great and General Court convened to authorize its founding. This was Sept. 8, 1637 under the Julian calendar. Allowing for the ten-day advance of the Gregorian calendar, Tercentenary officials arrived at Sept. 18 as the date for the third and last big Day of the celebration;" "on Oct. 28, 1636 ... £400 for that 'school or college' [was voted by] the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony." Bicentennial date: Marvin Hightower (സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2, 2003). "Harvard Gazette: This Month in Harvard History". Harvard University. Archived from the original on സെപ്റ്റംബർ 8, 2006. Retrieved സെപ്റ്റംബർ 15, 2006., "Sept. 8, 1836 - Some 1,100 to 1,300 alumni flock to Harvard's Bicentennial, at which a professional choir premieres "Fair Harvard." ... guest speaker Josiah Quincy Jr., Class of 1821, makes a motion, unanimously adopted, 'that this assembly of the Alumni be adjourned to meet at this place on September 8, 1936.'" Tercentary opening of Quincy's sealed package: The New York Times, September 9, 1936, p. 24, "Package Sealed in 1836 Opened at Harvard. It Held Letters Written at Bicentenary": "September 8th, 1936: As the first formal function in the celebration of Harvard's tercentenary, the Harvard Alumni Association witnessed the opening by President Conant of the 'mysterious' package sealed by President Josiah Quincy at the Harvard bicentennial in 1836."
  3. As of June 30, 2016. "U.S. and Canadian Institutions Listed by Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Endowment Market Value and Change in Endowment Market Value from FY 2015 to FY 2016". National Association of College and University Business Officers and Commonfund Institute. 2017. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-12-25. Retrieved 2017-09-07.
  4. Office of Institutional Research. (2009). "Faculty". Harvard University Fact Book (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on April 25, 2012. ("Unduplicated, Paid Instructional Faculty Count: 2,107. Unduplicated instructional faculty count is the most appropriate count for general reporting purposes.")
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 1 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2014—ലെ കണക്കുപ്രകാരം. "Harvard at a Glance". Harvard University. Retrieved November 27, 2014.
  6. "Harvard at a Glance". Harvard University. Archived from the original on 2015-08-23. Retrieved November 2, 2015.
  7. Keller, Morton; Keller, Phyllis (2001). Making Harvard Modern: The Rise of America's University. Oxford University Press. pp. 463–481. ISBN 0-19-514457-0. Harvard's professional schools... won world prestige of a sort rarely seen among social institutions. (...) Harvard's age, wealth, quality, and prestige may well shield it from any conceivable vicissitudes.
  8. Spaulding, Christina (1989). "Sexual Shakedown". In Trumpbour, John (ed.). How Harvard Rules: Reason in the Service of Empire. South End Press. pp. 326–336. ISBN 0-89608-284-9. ... [Harvard's] tremendous institutional power and prestige (...) Within the nation's (arguably) most prestigious institution of higher learning ...
  9. David Altaner (March 9, 2011). "Harvard, MIT Ranked Most Prestigious Universities, Study Reports". Bloomberg. Retrieved March 1, 2012.
  10. Rudolph, Frederick (1961). The American College and University. University of Georgia Press. p. 3. ISBN 0-8203-1285-1.
  11. Keller, Morton; Keller, Phyllis (2001). Making Harvard Modern: The Rise of America's University. Oxford University Press. pp. 463–481. ISBN 0-19-514457-0. Harvard's professional schools... won world prestige of a sort rarely seen among social institutions. (...) Harvard's age, wealth, quality, and prestige may well shield it from any conceivable vicissitudes.
  12. Story, Ronald (1975). "Harvard and the Boston Brahmins: A Study in Institutional and Class Development, 1800–1865". Journal of Social History. 8 (3): 94–121. doi:10.1353/jsh/8.3.94.
  13. Farrell, Betty G. (1993). Elite Families: Class and Power in Nineteenth-Century Boston. State University of New York Press. ISBN 0-7914-1593-7.
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